Update Number and Invalid Number

Update Number and Invalid Number

Update Mobile Number feature provides following

  1. Reminding ULB users about the invalid mobile numbers exist in owner's record and facilitate to update those in a easy way.

  2. Enabling ULB users to update the mobile numbers in a request from the property owner(s).

  3. Enabling property owner(s) to update the mobile number in their record by way of login into system.


Updating mobile number:

User can update the mobile number from the application details page by clicking on the assign button at the workflow level.

once clicking on assign a Pop Up will open in which user can enter the respective details in order to update the mobile number

once user enters all the data and clicks on update

  1. On successful update

    1. Mobile number is updated in the owner’s record and success message is displayed.

    2. View Property page is refreshed to reflect update mobile number.

    3. SMS is sent to both (old and new) mobile numbers intimating about the change in mobile number in the owner’s record.

2. On fail to update

a. Failure message is displayed.

b. User remain in view property page.

Invalid Mobile Number :

Property is searched to collect the tax and search result is displayed.

On click of 'Collect Tax' an alert dialog box is displayed with below detail.

  1. Mobile number associated with owner(s) detail is incorrect. Update the correct mobile number to receive future notifications. - Text message.

  2. Continue to Collect- action button

  3. Update Mobile Number - action button



On ‘Continue to Collect’ - The user is taken to the collection page and the collection process is completed.

On ‘Update Mobile Number’ - ‘Update Mobile Number’ window is opened with the below detail.

  1. Owner’s name - This is display of name.

  2. Current mobile number - This is display of existing mobile number of owner.

  3. New mobile number - Text box to enter new mobile number, mobile number validations are applicable as per the DIGIT standard mobile number validation.

  4. Documents required - attachments are non mandatory.

    • Duly Signed Change Request Form

    • Identity Proof (Adhar Card, Voter ID)

      • Document Name - Drop-down with list of document name considered as identity proof.

      • Choose File - File picker to upload the file.

  5. Update - action to update the mobile no.

Further process will remain same in application details edit page.


Technical Implementation Details:

The main code for update and invalid mobile number can be found in https://github.com/egovernments/DIGIT-Dev/blob/develop/frontend/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/pt/src/components/search/PropertySearchResults.js

the component made for the popup is https://github.com/egovernments/DIGIT-Dev/blob/develop/frontend/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/pt/src/pages/citizen/MyProperties/updateNumber.js and is assigned by the following code

const UpdatePropertyNumberComponent = Digit?.ComponentRegistryService?.getComponent("EmployeeUpdateOwnerNumber");

Mobile Number is invalid if it doesn't match the pattern from the mdms config and if the number equals to the invalid number.

Following is the mdms config,

MDMS Config,

"MdmsCriteria": { "tenantId": "pb", "moduleDetails": [ { "moduleName": "PropertyTax", "masterDetails": [ { "name": "UpdateNumber" } ] } ] }



invalidNumber: "9999999999" invalidPattern: "^[6789][0-9]{9}$" skipEnabled: true warningEnabled: true documents:[]



we are using the mdms for checking of invalid number, the data is present in the technical implementation part.

Localization :

For Update mobile number and invalid number, the Localization keys are being added in the ‘rainmaker-pt’ locale module. To change, update or of adding  any new localization key will be done in the same locale module only.


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