Citizen: Water and Sewerage Disconnection Application Create


To provide user facilities to disconnect an active W&S connection when they are not using the service. So, that they don’t have to pay for any charges


  • To disconnect, connection should be in ACTIVE state. Connections which are under WORKFLOW or INACTIVE are not eligible for disconnection.

  • In cases dues are pending, user has to clear the dues before applying for Disconnection.

  • ‘Disconnect’ option itself is not displayed in the action list for the connection which are INACTIVE.



My Connections → View Connection Details → Disconnect

Clicking on Disconnect it navigates to the Water and Sewerage Disconnection Application Document required screen.

File Path:


File Path:

Date Validation:

On Clicking on Next button in the document required screen,

if the proposed date is after <slaDays for disconnection> it will route to Application form Water & Sewerage Disconnection, else it will throw an error in the form of toast messgae, “Date should be after <slaDays for disconnection> from application create Date“.

To get the SLA days /egov-workflow-v2/egov-wf/businessservice/_search?businessServices=DisconnectWSConnection API call is made on load of Application Form Page


Technical Implementation Details:

Initial MDMS call is being made on page load

Mdms data :


Disconnection Type:


On Clicking on Next button in the Application Form Screen , it will route to Upload Documents Screen

File Path:

On Clicking on Next button in the Upload Documents Screen , it will route to Summary Check Page Screen

File Path:

In Check Page you can edit the entered data for Disconnection.

On Clicking on Submit button in the Check Page Screen , it will make water or sewerage create and update API calls.

Data fetch , load and render :

  • ws-services/wc/_create

Payload: WaterConnection: {,

isdisconnection : true,

isDisconnectionTemporary: true (if Temporary Disconnection selected else false),

disconnectionReason: ““



disconnectRequest: true

  • sw-services/swc/_create

Payload: WaterConnection: {,

isdisconnection : true,

isDisconnectionTemporary: true (if Temporary Disconnection selected else false),

disconnectionReason: ““



disconnectRequest: true

  • ws-services/wc/_update

Payload: WaterConnection: {,

isdisconnection : true,

isDisconnectionTemporary: true (if Temporary Disconnection selected else false),

disconnectionReason: ““



disconnectRequest: true

  • sw-services/swc/_update

Payload: WaterConnection: {,

applicationType: if(Water Application) "DISCONNECT_WATER_CONNECTION" else (if Sewerage Application) "DISCONNECT_SEWERAGE_CONNECTION",    

processInstance: {,

businessService: if(Water Application) "DisconnectWSConnection" else (if Sewerage Application) "DisconnectSWConnection",

action: "SUBMIT_APPLICATION",     }



After Success of create and update calls, will route to Disconnection Acknowledgement screen.

File Path:

On Click on Download Acknowledgement Form button, Water or Sewerage Disconnection Acknowledgement PDF will be downloaded.