How to Use a Bastion Server to Administer Kubernetes

How to Use a Bastion Server to Administer Kubernetes

Accessing the Bastion Server from Your Laptop

To access the bastion server from your local machine, use the following SSH command:

ssh -i /path/to/private_key.pem username@bastion_server_ip


ssh -i /home/naresh/naresh_egov.pem naresh_egov@

Copying Files Between Your Local Machine and the Bastion Server

1. Copying Files from Local Machine to Bastion Server

To copy a directory or file from your local machine to the bastion server, use the following scp command:

scp -r -i /path/to/private_key.pem /path/to/local_directory_or_file username@bastion_server_ip:/path/to/remote_directory_or_file


2. Copying Files from Bastion Server to Local Machine

To copy a directory or file from the bastion server to your local machine, use the following scp command:


Accessing Monitoring Tools

1. Accessing Grafana

To access Grafana, open your web browser and navigate to:

2. Accessing pgAdmin

To access pgAdmin, open your web browser and navigate to:

3. Accessing Kibana

To access Kibana, open your web browser and navigate to:

Accessing the Playground Pod

To get shell access to the playground pod:

  1. Login to the Bastion Server:
    Use the SSH command provided in the "Accessing the Bastion Server from Your Laptop" section.

  2. Access the Playground Pod:
    If kubeconfig is already configured, use the following kubectl command:

Replace <playground-pod-name> with the actual pod name.

Accessing Logs in Grafana

Viewing Logs for a Kubernetes Pod:

To view logs in Grafana for a specific Kubernetes pod:

  1. Open Grafana:
    Navigate to https://<Domain-Name>/monitoring.

  2. Go to Kubernetes Logs from Loki:
    On the left-hand side menu, go to Dashboards > Kubernetes > Kubernetes Logs from Loki.

  3. Select Namespace and Pod:

    • Namespace: Use the dropdown menu to select the specific namespace.

    • Pod: Use the dropdown menu to select the specific pod.

    • You can also filter logs by entering search terms like error, fatal, etc., in the Search Term field.

  4. View the Logs:

    • Logs will be displayed in the Logs Panel below the filtering options.

    • The logs are timestamped, and you can scroll through to see different log entries.

    • The graph above the logs shows the number of log entries over time, giving you a quick overview of log activity.