Configuring Bastion server setup
Bastion Server Setup on AWS EC2
This guide outlines the steps to configure a Bastion server on AWS using an EC2 instance. The Bastion server will be deployed in a production VPC's public subnet and will have SSH access from the internet on port 22. Additionally, AWS CLI and Kubernetes kubectl
tools will be installed on the instance for administrative tasks.
Step 1: Create an EC2 Instance
Login to AWS Management Console:
Navigate to AWS EC2 Dashboard.
Launch a new EC2 instance:
AMI: Choose Ubuntu 24.04 AMI
Instance Type: Select
(1 vCPU, 1 GiB memory).Network Configuration:
VPC: Select the production VPC.
Subnet: Choose a public subnet within the production VPC.
Storage: Configure the root volume with 20 GB of EBS storage.
Security Group: Create or choose a security group with the following inbound rule:
Port: 22 (SSH)
Source: (for internet access). Restrict it to specific IPs for better security.
Key Pair: Select or create a key pair for SSH access to the instance.
Launch: Launch the instance and note the public IP address for SSH access.
Step 2: Connect to the EC2 Instance
SSH into the EC2 instance:
ssh -i "your-key-pair.pem" ubuntu@<ec2-public-ip>
with your actual key pair and<ec2-public-ip>
with the instance's public IP.
Step 3: Install AWS CLI
Download the AWS CLI:
curl "" -o ""
Install unzip tool (if not already installed):
sudo apt update sudo apt install unzip -y
Unzip the downloaded AWS CLI file:
Install AWS CLI:
sudo ./aws/install
Verify installation:
aws --version
You should see the installed version, such as:
Step 4: Install Kubernetes kubectl
Download the latest stable version of
:curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
:sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
installation:kubectl version --client
You should see the client version information.
Step 6: Create Ubuntu users
Create the ubuntu users with the same username as IAM user & provide necessary privileges.
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash <username> # creates a new user
sudo visudo # edit sudoer file add below line to it, to restict
<username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: !ALL # password prompt when accessing sudo from other users
sudo mkdir /home/<username>/.ssh
sudo vi /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys # add user's public key
sudo su - <username>
Login to the user created and proceed
Step 7: (Optional) Configure AWS CLI
To configure AWS CLI with your credentials and default settings, run the following command:
aws configure
You will be prompted for:
AWS Access Key ID
AWS Secret Access Key
Default Region Name (e.g.,
)Default Output Format (e.g.,
Step 8: Harden Security
Limit SSH Access:
Consider restricting port 22 access to specific trusted IP addresses for enhanced security, instead of allowing open access (
Install Security Updates:
Update all packages on the instance to the latest security patches:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Restricting the EKS Cluster only access to Bastion:
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Open AWS Management Console:
Navigate to the EKS Dashboard.
Select the Cluster:
From the EKS dashboard, select the cluster (in your case, it looks like the
Go to "Networking" Tab:
Once inside the cluster details, click on the
tab (as shown in your screenshot).
Manage Endpoint Access:
Under the Networking section, you will see the option to
Manage endpoint access
. Click on this.
Modify Public Access Source Allowlist:
In the API server endpoint access settings, you will see the option to modify the Public access source allowlist.
Add the following IP addresses (if not already present): (These values are for reference
(Jenkins NAT Gateway)x.x.x.x/32
(Production Cluster NAT Gateway)x.x.x.x/32
(Bastion Public IP)
Save Changes:
After adding the IPs, and remove public access ( configuration, ensure you save the configuration.
Verify Access:
Ensure the changes are reflected, and test the access by trying to connect to the cluster API from those IPs.