Cleanup Kafka logs
The following steps illustrates the way to cleanup Kafka logs.
Backup list of log file names and its disk consumption data (optional)
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-0 -- du -h /opt/kafka-data/logs |tee backup_0.logs
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-1 -- du -h /opt/kafka-data/logs |tee backup_1.logs
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-2 -- du -h /opt/kafka-data/logs |tee backup_2.logs
2. Cleanup logs
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-0 -- rm -rf /opt/kafka-data/logs/* -n kafka-cluster
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-1 -- rm -rf /opt/kafka-data/logs/* -n kafka-cluster
$ kubectl exec -it kafka-v2-2 -- rm -rf /opt/kafka-data/logs/* -n kafka-cluster
3. If the pod is in crashlookbackoff state, and the storage is full, use the following workaround:
Make a copy of the pod manifest
$ kubectl get statefulsets kafka-v2 -n kafka-cluster -oyaml > manifest.yaml
Scale down the kafka statefulset replica count to zero
$ kubectl scale statefulsets kafka-v2 -n kafka-cluster --replicas=0
Make following changes to the copy of the statefulsets manifest file
Modify command line from:
containers: - command: - sh - -exc - | export KAFKA_BROKER_ID=${HOSTNAME##*-} && \ export KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://${POD_NAME}.kafka-v2-headless.${POD_NAMESPACE}:9092,EXTERNAL://${HOST_IP}:$((31090 + ${KAFKA_BROKER_ID})) && \ exec /etc/confluent/docker/run
- command:
- sh
- -exc
- |
tail -f /dev/null
Apply this statefulsets manifest and scale up statefulsets replica count to 3, the pod should be in a running state now and follow [step 2].
Again scale down the kafka statefulset replica count to zero
$ kubectl scale statefulsets kafka-v2 --replicas=0 -n kafka-cluster
Make following changes to the copy of the statefulsets manifest file
Modify command line from:
containers: - command: - sh - -exc - | tail -f /dev/null
- command:
- sh
- -exc
- |
export KAFKA_BROKER_ID=${HOSTNAME##*-} && \
exec /etc/confluent/docker/run
Apply this statefulsets manifest and scale up statefulsets replica count to 3