Search Tradelicence
Search Tradelicence
Provide Citizen/Employee to search existing tradelicence and its current status.
Route -
Technical Implementation Details
Initial MDMS call is being made on page load.
All the Forms and its functionality are in path.
Table rendering is taken care in
The TL search API and formatting data is in done in
Table Structure
is used to implement Table component.Every columns are entry given as an Object
{ labelName: "Application No", labelKey: "TL_COMMON_TABLE_COL_APP_NO" },
Any customizations at column level is by
hook available in all the colums ‘option’ property.
Data fetch,load and render :
Once the data is fetched using /tl-services/v1/_search
API, the returned data is formatted and dispatched to redux
As we can see from the image above, the data is put to specific path inside props.
Tabel component now fetches the data from its props as shown below.
API Call Role Action mapping:
S.No. | API | Action id | Roles |
1 |
2 |
| 1687 |
3 |