Property Tax - My Properties

Property Tax - My Properties

My Properties

Users can look for the list of the properties registered under their mobile number in My Properties Tab. Each Property for the initial view will display Property Id, Owner Name, Address and status, with view details option, through which User can look up more details about the property registered. If user did not find the property looking for, new property can be registered using the below link “Click here to register new Property”

Once the user clicks on View Details, the Property Information Page will be displayed with all the necessary information about the property.


Technical Implementation Details:

The link for the My Properties and Property Details common Index is given below, it can be used to understand the working of the code, Below is the file link.


The template for My properties and Property Information page is present inside pt/pages/citizen/MyProperties. All the properties list is being retrieved by calling the search API "/property-services/property/_search"

This API is called using the React hook present inside the index of My Properties and Property information page, a single property is being loaded, by passing the unique Property Id in the search API.

If search API results is successful, Assessment Search API is being called to know the assessment status i.e /property-services/assessment/_search

If the assessment object returned has assessment aray details not empty then the fetch bill API is being called in order to retrieve the payment details for the particular property. API is /billing-service/bill/v2/_fetchbill

Following is the hook used for the property search API, assessment seach and fetch bill.

const { isLoading, isError, error, data } = Digit.Hooks.pt.usePropertySearch(tenantId); const assessmentData = await Digit.PTService.assessmentSearch({ tenantId, filters: { propertyIds } }); billData = await Digit.PaymentService.fetchBill(tenantId, { businessService: "PT", consumerCode: propertyIds, });



No MDMS data being used here, all the data is being loaded from Search API.


Localization :

For My Properties also the Localization keys are being added in the ‘rainmaker-pt’ locale module. To change, update or adding of any new localization key will be done in the same locale module only.


Role Actions:



Action Id



Action Id
















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