Property Actions.

Property Tax module :

  • Each Property has following actions that can be performed,

1.Add New Property (through which property will be Created Initially)

2.Update Existing Property

3.Assess Property

4.ReAssess Property

5.Transfer Ownership

  • Each Action is Explained Briefly here {link}

  • In this Document we are going to see about Configurations that are being configured for Different Actions.

 Add New Property(Property Create):

 Here  we have configurations for Dropdown values and List of Documents  that is present while entering the Form .

1.Dropdown Configurations.

Each Dropdown Value will be in the Following Structure,

{ "name": "Vacant Land", "code": "VACANT", "active": true }

Request body for fetching MDMS value will be ,

"MdmsCriteria": { "tenantId": "pb", "moduleDetails": [ { "moduleName": "PropertyTax", "masterDetails": [ { "name": "Floor" }, { "name": "OccupancyType" }, { "name": "OwnerShipCategory" }, { "name": "OwnerType" }, { "name": "PropertyType" }, { "name": "UsageCategory" } ] } ] }

References JSONs:

2.Document Configuration.

Each Document value will have following structure

{ "code": "OWNER.SPECIALCATEGORYPROOF", "documentType": "OWNER", "required": true, "active": true, "hasDropdown": true, "additionalDetails": { "filterCondition": { "filterValue": [ "NONE", null ], "jsonPath": "Properties[0].propertyDetails[0].owners", "onArray": true, "arrayAttribute": "ownerType" }, "dropdownFilter": { "parentArrayJsonPath": "Properties[0].propertyDetails[0].owners", "parentJsonpath": "ownerType" }, "enabledActions": { "assess": { "disableUpload": true, "disableDropdown": true }, "reassess": { "disableUpload": true, "disableDropdown": true }, "update": { "disableUpload": true, "disableDropdown": true }, "create": { "disableUpload": false, "disableDropdown": false } } }, "dropdownData": [ { "code": "OWNER.SPECIALCATEGORYPROOF.SERVICEDOCUMENT", "active": true, "parentValue": [ "FREEDOMFIGHTER", "DEFENSE" ] }, { "code": "OWNER.SPECIALCATEGORYPROOF.HANDICAPCERTIFICATE", "active": true, "parentValue": [ "HANDICAPPED" ] } ], "description": "OWNER.SPECIALCATEGORYPROOF.SPECIALCATEGORYPROOF_DESCRIPTION" },

Request body for Fetching Documents,

Reference :

 3. UI configuration ,

Here we have configuration about header key, submit button key , edit button functionality is enabled/disabled ,Editing Owner details can be enabled/disabled and show/hide of sub header , financial year , estimate details.
Based on requirement these configurations can be made for Property create screens and following is the structure.


It is present in the location,



 Update Existing Property(Property Update):

In Update Property user can update all the property fields , but currently based on Requirement we can update all property information except owner info and owner documents.

  1. Document Configuration.

    Configuration is similar to the Property Create , except owner documents update is currently disabled , it is configured as below,

Inside enabledActions of each document we can configure about document Enable/Disable

Reference :

2. UI Configuration ,

Here we have configuration about header key, submit button key , edit button functionality is enabled/disabled ,Editing Owner details can be enabled/disabled and show/hide of sub header , financial year , estimate details.


It is present in the location,


Assess Property :

once the property created here we can do assessment for any financial year .

while doing assessment currently we cannot update any property related information , it is currently disabled.

UI Configuration ,

Here we have configuration about header key, submit button key , edit button functionality is enabled/disabled ,Editing Owner details can be enabled/disabled and show/hide of sub header , financial year , estimate details.


It is present in the location,


ReAssess Property :

once the property created and assessed for a financial year , if any property is updated we can do assessment for same financial year through this Reassess Property Action.

Similar to Assessment while doing reassessment also we cannot update any property related information , it is currently disabled.

UI Configuration ,

Here we have configuration about header key, submit button key , edit button functionality is enabled/disabled ,Editing Owner details can be enabled/disabled and show/hide of sub header , financial year , estimate details.


It is present in the location,



NOTE : Property related Actions like CREATE , UPDATE, ASSESS and REASSESS method call will take place based on that corresponding action . It configured as below



It is present in the location,


 Transfer Ownership of Property(Property Mutation):

In Property Mutation user can update only the property owner details and owner documents.

  1. Document Configuration.

    Configuration is similar to the Property Create , except owner documents update is currently disabled , it is configured as below,

Inside enabledActions of each document we can configure about document Enable/Disable

Request body for Fetching Documents,

Reference :