Component and Component list

Component and Component list

Components are the building blocks of any React app and a typical React app will have many of these. Simply put, a component is a JavaScript class or function that optionally accepts inputs i.e. properties(props), and returns a React element that describes how a section of the UI (User Interface) should appear.

Below the screen, we can see a number of components presented in the single page.

Components are divided into 3 category

  1. Atoms - Small components are called atoms.

2. Molecules - Collection of atoms called molecules.

3. Containers - Whichever component connect with redux we will be called containers.

Note: we will support the user to create own atoms, molecules, and containers, but we should make sure it's not there in Egov framework, if you feel its common more than 2 modules please raise a pull request to the framework.

Below the screenshot, you can see the local components belong to the trade license.

List of Atoms

  1. Phone number

{ "uiFramework":"custom-molecules", "componentPath":"TextfieldWithIcon", "props":{ "label":"Phone", "type":"mobilenumber", "margin":"normal", "fullWidth":true, "autoFocus":true, "required":true, "iconObj":{ "position":"end", "iconName":"phone" } }, "required":true, "jsonPath":"body.mihy.phonenumber", "pattern":"^([0-9]){10}$" }

2. AppBar

{ uiFramework: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "AppBar", props: { position: "static" }, children: { mihyToolbar: { uiFramework: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Toolbar", props: { variant: "regular", style: { width: "maxContent" }, }, children: { mihyButton: { uiFrameWork: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Button", props: { }, children: { mihyIcon: { uiFramework: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Icon", props: { iconName: "menu", autoFocus: true, } } } }, mihyTypography: { uiFramework: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Typegraphy", children: { mihyLoginButtonText: getLabel({ label: "Home" }) }, props: { variant: "h6", color: "inherit", style: { fontSize: "large", flexGrow: 1 } } }, mihyTypography1: { uiFramework: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Typegraphy", children: { mihyButton: { uiFrameWork: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Button", props: { }, children: { mihyIcon: { uiFramework: "custom-atoms", componentPath: "Icon", props: { iconName: "email", autoFocus: true, } } } } }, props: { variant: "h6", color: "inherit" } } } } } }


3. Button

{ componentPath: "Button", props: { Buttoncolor: "primary"“ secondary”“ inherit”“ default”, fullWidth: true, href: “https: //www.googole.com”, size: ”small”“ medium”“ large”, Variant: “contained”“ text”“ outlined”, disabled: “true” }, children: { mihyLoginButtonText: getLabel({ label: "Let's go" }) }, onClickDefination: { action: "submit", method: "get", endPoint: "afbc.com", purpose: "authLogin", redirectionUrl: "/" } }

4. Card


5. CardContent


6. TextField


7. Typography

8. HTML Elements

9. Form

 10. Iframe

11. Icon button

12. Container

13. MenuButton

14. Item 

14. Break

15. UploadFile  

16. Uploaded Document

 17. ApplicationNo:



18. MenuButton:

19. Asterix:


List of Molecules

  1. TextFieldWithIcon:

2. Landing Page Cards

3. SingleApplication

4. DocumentList:



5. UploadMultipleFiles:

6. Stepper


7. Search Results:


List of Containers

  1. Auto Suggest Container:

2. Dialog Container

3. DocumentListContainer

4. DownloadFileContainer:

5. Payment Redirect Page

6. View Breakup Container:

7. ApplicationNoContainer:


Note: Many of the components(atoms, molecules, and containers) are local in the module, we need to plan for moving into the framework.

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