FSM v1.1 Employee UI

New Application :

Components added in new application screen from employee side are below.


  1. Payment Type: Employee can select mode of payment while creating new application.

SelectPaymentType.js contains the component which is responsible to render the component.

You can find the file in



MDMS changes responsible to render payment Type are below:



"PaymentType": [ { "name": "Pay Now", "code": "PRE_PAY", "active": true }, { "name": "Pay on Service", "code": "POST_PAY", "active": true } ]




{ "type": "component", "key": "paymentPreference", "withoutLabel": true, "component": "SelectPaymentType" }



"PaymentType": { "masterName": "PaymentType", "isStateLevel": true, "uniqueKeys": [ "$.code" ] },


2. Gender Type: Employee can choose the gender type of the applicants.

SelectName.js is responsible for rendering the component.

Path: DIGIT-Dev/frontend/micro-ui/web/micro-ui-internals/packages/modules/fsm/src/pageComponents/SelectName.js

To render the gender type we have added the Object for gender in Inputs in selectName.js

3. Vehicle capacity and No Of Trips

Employee can select vehicle capacity and number of trips according to the need.

no of trips can be editable only if payment type is post pay.


Schedule Action:

In Schedule Action, Employee can schedule the trip by entering the number of trips.

Technical Implementation :

Vehicle Type have been replaced by Vehicle Capacity and the vehicle capacity shown in drop-down is filtered from the available DSOs and then unique value among capacity are shown in drop-down.




Application Timeline :

In the employee application timeline shown in the application details page, vehicle timeline is also added with new statuses (Waiting for Disposal, Disposal in Progress and Disposed) are added. These statuses are shown with the number of Vehicle trips associated with application.


Technical Implementation :

For getting vehicle timeline /vehicle/trip/v1/_search API is called for that particular application and based on the response Waiting for Disposal, Disposal in Progress and Disposed statuses are shown.

Below code for handling vehicle trip timeline data can be found in:
