FSTP Inbox changes:

  1. Search by Application Number: We have added search by application number field where FSTPO can search the vehicle trip detail by application Number.

  2. Application No & Status column: New Application No column and Status Column is added in the Inbox Table so that FSTPO can see the application number and status of the trip.

Technical Implementation Details:

Below are the code snippets to add Application search field inside search fields object:

{ label: t("ES_SEARCH_APPLICATION_APPLICATION_NO"), name: "refernceNos", },

Below are the code snippets to fetch the application number:

const { isLoading: applicationLoading, isError, data: applicationData, error } = Digit.Hooks.fsm.useSearch( tenantId, { applicationNos: searchParams?.refernceNos, uuid: userInfo.uuid }, { staleTime: Infinity } );



Trip No in FSTPO Details:

We have added the Trip No. field in fstp-operator-details page so that FSTPO can know the ongoing trip of the application number.

Technical Implementation Details:

Below are the code snippet to check the current Trip:

useEffect(() => { filterVehicle?.length == 0 ? setCurrentTrip(1) : setCurrentTrip((tripNo - filterVehicle?.length) + 1) }, [tripNo, filterVehicle, totalvehicle, totalsuccess, isSuccess]);

Below are the code snippet to render the trip no field