Raise a Complaint

Raise a Complaint


Users can raise a complaint if they are facing any issues regarding the server by using the “Raise a Complaint” button, and while going through the workflow can add all the valid information, according to the question asked. On submitting, the complaint has been raised and the complaint is created with a unique complaint ID.

Raise a Complaint Flow:

Raise a complaint flow starts after selecting the Raise a Complaint button. After which bunch of options will appear. Users can choose any of them related to their complaints.


  1.  Not Receiving OTP Flow:

If a user is not receiving OTP then he/she can raise a complaint through the       “Not receiving OTP” button, and enter the valid information asked by the system.

While explaining briefly about the complaint by clicking on submit, the complaint has been raised and the complaint is created with a unique complaint ID.


2. Unable to Proceed Forward Flow:

If a user is facing an issue to proceed forward then he/she can raise a complaint through the “Unable to Proceed Forward” button, and enter the valid information asked by the system according to the workflow. On submitting, the complaint has been raised and the complaint is created with a unique complaint ID.


Technical Implementation details:

The link for the Feedback Bot Main Index is given below, it can be used to understand the starting point of the flow:


Below is the code snippet for rendering component based on the type of option:


The configuration for routing of the successful complaint submission pages are mentioned in the response file in components under the cf folder. Below is the snippet for folder structure and response configuration.

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