Property Tax - Download Acknowledgement , Receipt and Mutation Certificate.

In Property Tax Module , while creating a Property user will get Acknowledgement form for creating Property, Similarly after doing assessment and payment for a financial year user can download receipt.

Here we see more about the configuration involved in each document downloads.


  1. Acknowledgement Download,

After Submitting the Property Create Application user can download / Print the Acknowledgement .

on click of download/ print of the PT Application , application is generated and downloaded.


frontend/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-ui-kit-dev/src/utils/pdfUtils/generatePTAcknowledgment.js at edd5906c8562c94e80bee10943403316b47e913d · egovernments/frontend

Generation of PDF is explained in


2. Receipt Download

Once Payment for Assessment of a property / Mutation fee payment is done receipt will get generated.

to download Receipt , we will get the fileStoreId of the receipt.

downloadReceiptFromFilestoreIDdownloadReceiptFromFilestoreID(fileStoreId, "download")

similarly “print“ to print the receipt

downloadReceiptFromFilestoreIDdownloadReceiptFromFilestoreID needs to be imported from web\rainmaker\dev-packages\egov-common-dev\src\ui-utils\commons.js


if filestoreid is not present in receipt then we can create receipt from using the query string as below

queryStr = [           { key: "key", value: "consolidatedreceipt" },           { key: "tenantId", value: 'pb' }         ]

and in request body send payment array for which payment receipt is needed.

 httpRequest(DOWNLOADRECEIPT.GET.URL, DOWNLOADRECEIPT.GET.ACTION, queryStr,  { Payments: payloadReceiptDetails.Payments },  { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' })             .then(res => {                         downloadReceiptFromFilestoreIDdownloadReceiptFromFilestoreID(res.filestoreIds[0], "download")              });


3. Mutation Acknowledgement download/print.

It is Similar to the property create acknowledgement download/print.

on click of download/ print of the PT Mutation Application , application is generated and downloaded.


Generation of PDF is explained in


4. Mutation Certificate Download/print,

Once the Mutation application is approved , then user can download / print , here we are using server side pdf generation.



query string for preparing mutation certificate will be as follow,

 const queryStr = [     { key: "key", value: "ptmutationcertificate" },     { key: "tenantId", value: "pb" }   ]

and in request body we we send the latest properties information.