W&S-Application,Estimation Notice,Sanction Letter
In Water & Sewerage Module, while creating a Application user will get Acknowledgement form for creating application, Similarly after doing pending for field inspection and payment user can download the estimation letter and sanction letter.
Here we see more about the configuration involved in each document downloads.
Acknowledgement Download,
After Submitting the W&S Create Application user can download / Print the Acknowledgement .
for application PDF, all related code written related to W&S in below mentioned file.
Common Generation of PDF is explained in here,in below file the detailed description provided for generate PDF and other ack pages similarly W&S ack PDF also developed similar way.
Generation of Acknowledgement PDF
2.Estimation Letter & Sanction letter
After pending for Field inspection stage is done (if status is pending for approval) Estimation letter will get generated.
After payment stage is done (status is pending for connection activation) Sanction letter will get generated.
to download Estimation/sanction letter, we will get the fileStoreId
of the Estimation/sanction letter.
downloadReceiptFromFilestoreID(fileStoreId, mode)
Mode- will be either Download/Print.
needs to be imported from web\rainmaker\dev-packages\egov-common-dev\src\ui-utils\commons.js
Querystring we passed to the request body for getting filestoreid.