W&S - UI Technical Configuration
List of configurations need to be updated so that W&S UI can display the information / provide access to the logged in User.
Types of Roles & Access Details
MDMS configurations
PDF Configurations
WorkFlow Configurations
Egov-Searcher Configurations
Type of Roles & Access Details
Map all WS roles to respective API’s giving 403 status inhttps://github.com/egovernments/playground-mdms-data/blob/master/data/pg/ACCESSCONTROL-ACTIONS-TEST/actions-test.json and https://github.com/egovernments/playground-mdms-data/blob/master/data/pg/ACCESSCONTROL-ROLEACTIONS/roleactions.json
Below roles are access the different workflow actions like
Counter Employee can create and submit the application.
Document verifier can verify the documents and that application forward to field inspector.
Field inspector can verify the additional details provided by the Citizen after verify it move to the approve.
Approver can approve the connection and after counter employee can collect amount from citizen and application move to activate the connection.
clerk will activate the connection then connection number will generated.
For Water:
For Sewerage:
To configure the module cards in the inbox use below Json.
Role-actions mapping is added in below file:
"rolecode": "WS_CEMP",
"actionid": 1899
"actioncode": "",
"tenantId": "pb"
For every action object added in actions-test.json , we have to add specific roles who can access those added items in roleactions.json, where id will become the mapping key.
rolecode will be the roles of Employee or citizen.
2. MDMS Configuration
All BusinessService details and W&S specific mdms data.
https://github.com/egovernments/egov-mdms-data/blob/master/data/pb/ws-services-masters/Documents.json -Documents to be uploaded
egov-mdms-data/data/pb/common-masters/uiCommonPay.json at master · egovernments/egov-mdms-data
egov-mdms-data/data/pb/ws-services-masters/waterSource.json at master · egovernments/egov-mdms-data - WaterSource and subsource to be uploaded.
For propertyType,propertyUsageType,propertySubUsageType we took mdms from propertytax module.
egov-mdms-data/data/pb/PropertyTax at master · egovernments/egov-mdms-data
3. PDF Configurations at UI
configs/pdf-service/data-config at master · egovernments/configs
4. Workflow Configurations
Assign above action to WS roles. This action is mainly to enable Workflow Inbox.
All the workflow API should be given access to all WS roles in https://github.com/egovernments/egov-mdms-data/blob/master/data/pb/ACCESSCONTROL-ROLEACTIONS/roleactions.json
5. Egov-Searcher Configurations
Search configs for bill - genie
Searcher configuration for searching locality in workflow inbox
Front End Configurations :
Change the state level tenantId in /frontend/web/rainmaker/packages/employee/.env
Point to specific environment you want to test on.
"proxy": "https://egov-micro-dev.egovernments.org/",