Edit Connection Flow

After Connection activated Connection number will be generated so, take that connection number and search in employee search connection in below search table click on consumer number it will redirect to Connection Details page. here, in footer Take Action button we added.

The relevant code for the Footer Take Action button and modify connection present in https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/WS_ModifyConnection/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-molecules-local/ActionFooter/index.js

Here two scenarios is there.


If due amount>0, onclick of Modify connection it will throw the error message.


In employee search application table if you find application type as “Modify water or Modify sewerage connection” then application status should be “pending for approval” in that case Onclick consumer No it will redirect to connection details page below Footer if you click on Modify Connection it shows error message.

The above error message shows “Application already exists so you can find employee search table for connection number already application number created and direct application status should be Pending for Approval. Once that aplication is approved then only it will redirect to apply page for modify connection flow.

Scenario:3 due amount <=0 or NA onclick of Modify connection button it will allow to Edit the connection . It will redirect to Modify connection flow.

In above screen we have added two links beside the search button for Modify connection i.e Search Property and Modify Property https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/WS_ModifyConnection/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-atoms-local/PropertyLink/index.js .


Onclick of Search Property it will redirect to the PT-COMMON-SCREENS propertysearch page there you can search for property or create the property using register new property.

On above screen if we enter any one search parameter and click on search below property related details showing in search table. here for search property whatever you are sending redirect URL from apply page to PT-COMMON-SCREENS the same URL will redirect to apply page on click of SELECT in search table. It will redirect to apply page with property related details are displayed below.

Modify Property:

Onclick of Modify Property it will redirect to existing Property Tax module that redirect URL code present in https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/RELEASE-2020-v4-01/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-atoms-local/PropertyLink/index.js .

In above screen property update screen property address and property details are editable and owner details are non editable form.If we want to update here any property related information which we require we can update property and final in summary page we can click on update property.After updating property it will redirect to apply screen.

For Modify connection there is connection holder details card added that functionality and how it works you can refer the connection holder document .

For Modify connection there is no connection details card to enter because at the time of apply for new connection itself we selected water or sewerage connection.

Onclick of NEXT STEP it will go to the documents screen. for,Modify connection we have added additionally documents which are owner NOC, Self Declaration documents. all the documents present in document section are non-mandatory for Modify connection. list of documents are fetched from https://github.com/egovernments/egov-mdms-data/blob/master/data/pb/ws-services-masters/ModifyConnectionDocuments.json and the relevant code present in https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/WS_ModifyConnection/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-utils/commons.js

Next step is the additional details page of Modify Connection based on requirement we have added one more card i.e Modifycation Effective From and we have hided plumber details and road cutting charges.relevant code is present in file https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/WS_ModifyConnection/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-config/screens/specs/wns/applyResource/additionalDetails.js

Final step in the modify connection is the summary page, whatever details we have entered in connection details and documents and additional details page those details are populating in summary screen. In summary screen we can able to see old value for connection details. the relevant code is present in https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/WS_ModifyConnection/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-config/screens/specs/wns/applyResource/reviewConnectionDetails.js

After submitting the modify connection application number will be generated. After submitting the application workflow will start application status should be Pending for Approval. In modify connection workflow there are multiple actions to define the workflow i.e either you can reject the connection or edit the modify connection or approve the connection.You can search with newly created application in employee search application. You can find the below search table status will be the Pending for Approval.

Click on Application number it will redirect to search-preview page.These are the workflow actions for Modify Connection.Workflow related code present in https://github.com/egovernments/frontend/blob/WS_ModifyConnection/web/rainmaker/dev-packages/egov-wns-dev/src/ui-molecules-local/ActionFooter/index.js

Onclick of approve connection it will redirect to acknowledgement screen. Successfully approved the modify connection.