User manual for Universal Collections

User manual for Universal Collections

General Instructions 

Sl No



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2Page Title will bear the name of the User Manual - User Manual for << Product Name>>


Add Sections and Sub Sections in " Using <<Product>> sections as per

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10Sections with no entries can be marked Not Applicable

About This Manual

This manual has been written to help the users of "Universal Collections" to understand and use the product. The chapters in this manual are organized to present functional and operational capabilities of "Universal Collections". It explains the procedures to the ULB employees to complete their tasks.

In case of further assistance please send an email to contact@eovernments.org

Intended Audience

This manual is intended to assist and train Counter Employees and Field Employees who will use "Universal Collections" to collect tax from citizens.

Document Conventions

If you see…
It means….

Bold Text

Important topic or subject or mandatory information

Italicized text

The word or set of words are especially emphasized.


The following paragraph provides additional information


The following paragraph provides suggestive use

Mandatory field

Document History

Version NoDateDescription
1 Version1 of Universal collections will help ULB employees to capture all payments to the ULB in the system and remove the use of physical receipts for the same. It will also have collection reports for the administrators.




Collections Payments made by Citizens to the Municipality.
Consumer NameName of the citizen who is availing the service.
Field Collection FeeIt is the extra charge that ULBs collect when they collect bills on the ground or on the field. 
G-8 ReceiptName of the manual receipt register in Punjab used to acknowledge the payment made by  Citizens.
Payee NameThe person making the payment to the ULB

Service Category

Service category is the facility for which citizen is being charged. Example - Rent, Taxes
Service TypeThe service type is basically sub-type of service category. It is mapped to the service category. Example - Municipal Rents, Advertisement Taxes.
ULBUrban Local Body.

Introduction to Universal Collections

Universal Collections provides the capability to consolidate miscellaneous payments made by the Citizen to the ULB. It helps in eliminating the paper-based process of issuing manual receipts to capture payments like Advertisement Taxes, Parking Charges, etc. It also helps in streamlining the EoD collection process in a ULB by digitizing all payment streams.

Features of Universal collection



Search Receipt - Citizen

A citizen can search the receipts based on  parameters - Receipt No., Service Category, Mobile no., Date range
Search Receipt - Employee An employee can search the receipts based on parameters - Receipt No., Service Category, Mobile no. 
Download and Print ReceiptSearch results will have a link to the receipt which will allow employee/citizen to view/download/print the receipt.
Capture universal collectionFor the new collection, Citizen can pay for any service mentioned at the counter. Collect payment is only on the employee side.
NotificationOnce the payment is collected, it will trigger a notification to the citizen with payment and receipt details. Also, a link to download receipt will be given in the notification.
Receipt download linkCitizen will click on the receipt download link, it will redirect it to the login page on our website. Citizen will log in using OTP and can download the receipt
ReportsCollection reports will be available for the ULB admin and employee. 

User Roles



Counter Employee

An employee who is stationed at ULB  offices and is responsible for receiving payments.

Citizen A consumer of services provided by the ULB
Field Employee An employee who collects payments from Citizens by being on the Field.
ULB AdministratorAn Admin who is responsible for monitoring the collection drive and plan ULB revenue targets.

Using  Universal Collections 

Search Receipt - Employee


This feature will be used by an employee to search for receipts of past payments. If an employee needs to know the payment status and provide past payment receipt to the citizen.

Workflow -

Not able to attach the file


For search receipts, the assigned user will log in and click on miscellaneous collections. The landing page will be "search receipts' with the given parameter as shown in the screen. User will enter the search criteria and will get the search results with a link to the receipt.



Search Receipt - Citizen


This feature will be used by a citizen to search for receipts for past payments. If a citizen needs payment receipt for any purpose such as legal, bank loan, the citizen can search and retrieve receipts.

Workflow -

Not able to attach file

Download Receipt


This feature will be used by a citizen or the employee to download and print previous receipts. In search results, there will be a link to download/print the receipt. Also, Employee can download the receipt from "View Receipt" action after completing the payment.

Workflow -

Not able to attach the file



Collect New Payment


This feature will be used by an employee to collect payment on the field or at the counter for any type of services provided by the ULB. It will eliminate the use of manual receipts in the ULBs and hence streamline the EoD processes like remittance.

Workflow -

Not able to attach file





The employee will click on the "New Collection" button to collect payment. It will take him to the collection page where he/she can capture payment details and click on the 'Next' to complete payment and Generate receipt. "Generate Receipt" will trigger a notification to the consumer with payment details and receipt download link.

Trigger Notification


To notify citizen about their payment and send a receipt download link to them.

Workflow -

Not able to attach file


No Screen

Content of the Notifiction - 

Dear Citizen, Your <tax_name> INR <amount_paid> for the tax period <fin_year> is paid. Your receipt no. for the transaction is <rcpt_no>. Click on the link below to download your receipt - <rcpt_link>


This feature will be used by the citizen to download their receipt once the payment is made to the ULB. They can click on the link and login in the portal to directly download their receipt.

Workflow -

Not able to attach file

Screens - Same as rcceipt screen. 


View Reports


This feature will be used by the employee and ULB Admin to see the collections of the ULBs for different services and time period. It will help them plan collection drives and streamline collection process.

Workflow -

Not able to attach file


Will attach asap.


Field NameDescription


The search button will initiate a search for the receipt filled details.

RESETReset all search parameters to NULL
New CollectionIt will take the user to the collection detail entering page.
Generate ReceiptIt will generate receipt and also trigger a notification to the citizen about the payment.


None as of now. 

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