Citizen User Manual for Fire NoC

Citizen User Manual for Fire NoC

General Instructions 

Sl No



Please navigate each of the sections and fill in the relevant information

2Page Title will bear the name of the User Manual - Citizen User Manual for << Product Name>>


Add Sections and Sub Sections in " Using the <<Product>> Functionalities sections as per

the features of the product that are used by the Citizen for accomplishing tasks.

4Add rows in the tables as per the volume of data.
5All examples are indicative, they should be replaced with actual information.
6Follow a uniform visual logic in using callouts or annotating screenshots

Standard elements like Cover Page, Copy Rights, TOC, Document Version history are not

part of the template.They will be embedded during pdf/web publishing.

8Features and functions that are common across most of the products like - Login, Logout, Password Management etc, will be captured as part of a different document.

For ease of structuring, major sections like 'About the Manual', 'Introduction to the <<Product>>'

can be moved into separate child pages.

10Sections with no entries can be marked Not Applicable

tAbout This Manual

This manual has been written to help the users of "Fire NoC" to understand and use the product. The chapters in this manual are organized to present functional and operational capabilities of "Fire NoC". It explains the procedures to the citizen to complete the fire NoC application and make payment. In case of further assistance please send an email to contact@eovernments.org

Intended Audience

This manual is intended to assist citizen on how to make an application for fire NoC, pay fire NoC fees and proceed further

Document Conventions

If you see…
It means….

Bold Text

Important topic or subject or mandatory information

Italicized text

The word or set of words are especially emphasized.


The following paragraph provides additional information


The following paragraph provides suggestive use

Mandatory field

Document History

Version NoDateDescription
V1.027th May 2019




Introduction to Fire NOC

Features of Fire NoC



Apply through Mobile or Web or ULB counter

Single, Multiple or Institutional applicants can apply for fire NoC

Apply for Provisional (pre-construction) or New (post-construction) fire NoC through the system

Apply for a single building or multiple buildings owned by the applicant in the same compound 

Review application before submission

Pay NoC fees online

Track application status

Download and  Print QR code-enabled application confirmation form, payment receipts NoC certificate

User Roles



ApplicantA person(s) or institution who applies for NoC 

ULB Counter Employee

An employee who is stationed at ULB  offices and is responsible for receiving applications and payments on behalf of citizen

Document VerifierA person who is responsible for verifying the information given in the form and submitted documents
Field inspectorA person who is responsible for verifying the information given in the form physically on the ground
ApproverA person who is the final authority to approve the application on the basis of remarks given by document verifier and field inspector
ULB AdministratorAn Admin who is responsible for monitoring the collection drive and plan ULB revenue targets.

Using  Fire NoC  

Apply for Fire Noc


This will allow the applicant to apply for fire NoC 


Login into mSeva Account using Mobile Number and OTP

Select Fire NoC

Type of NoC

Select Provisional for Pre-Construction NOC


Select New for Post-Construction NoC

If applied for New NoC Applicant has to provide provisional fire NoC number which will fetch all information of applied previously through DIGIT system.  After filling information, click on NEXT STEP which is given on the bottom right of the screen.

Property Details

Select Single in number of buildings: if  wants to apply for a single building 

Select Multiple in number of buildings:  if  wants to apply for a multiple building

On the basis on information provided for building usage type and building usage subtype UOM value field will be generated.

Property Location Details

Enter property locations details

After completing property information, click on NEXT STEP which is given on the bottom right of the screen.


Applicant Details

Select Individual: if the applicant is a single person

Select Multiple: if applicants are more than one person and click on add applicant to add more co-applicants

Select Institutional: if the applicant is applying on behalf of the institution which  may be private or government

After completing applicant information, click on NEXT STEP which is given on the bottom right of the screen.

Upload Documents:

Select upload to upload the document into the system

Review the application:

Select Edit on top-left side of each section to edit the application or

Select submit on the bottom right of screen if the information provided is correct. 

Once the application is submitted you will be prompted as the application is submitted.

Click on download/print confirmation form to get a copy of the submitted application.

Click on Proceed for Payment to make payment online

After making a payment successful message will be displayed and citizen can print and download payment receipt.

Once payment is citizen can track the status of his application Screens will be shared later


Field NameDescription
