Release Notes for Water and Sewerage v1.0

Authorized ByAditya Kumar


ProductWater & Sewerage v1.0

This release enables ULBs to manage recurring transactions for Water and Sewerage connections like, demand generation, bill generation, online payment and maintaining receipts. It also caters to migration of existing Water & Sewerage connections to DIGIT.


  1. Auto calculation of demand based on configurations
  2. Event (automatic) and time based (Periodic) triggers for generation of demand
  3. Search for a connection and make online payment against the dues (for citizens)
  4. Make partial payments and get receipts for each payment
  5. Maintain details of W&S connections associated with the user
  6. Check status of the past payments and download receipts anytime
  7. View and download latest active bill against a connection
  8. Search and view connection details, and collect dues (for employees)
  9. View consumption details for metered connection 
  10. Enter meter reading for metered connections - individually
  11. Download/ Print all artifacts (Bills, Receipts, Connection details)

Release Features

The W&S Version 1.0 release is equipped to cater to billing and collection features for existing Water and sewerage connections . They are designed to facilitate following affordances

  •      Auto demand generation for custom billing cycles
  •      Handling partial payments, Interest/ Penalty
  •      Metered and non metered connections
  •      Custom rates depending upon property usage type
  •      Billing based on desired calculation attribute
Product NameKey FeatureDescription
Water & Sewerage v1.0Demand calculation
  • Calculation based on variable, fixed or fixed+variable charges depending on the type of consumption
  • Apportioning of tax heads
  • Interest and penalty calculated for customizable due dates and interest rates
  • Demand and bill generation for customized billing cycles and date
  • Charges based on property usage type
  • Different calculation attributes for metered/non metered connections
  • Time based and event based triggers for demand generation
  • Reporting of success and failures of demand generation with list of connections

Search and Pay

  • Employee/Citizen can search for any consumer number and pay the dues against that connection
  • The citizen can search using mobile number, consumer number and property ID
  • Upon clicking on PAY, the user is directed to the latest bill summary and then to common pay page
  • Citizen can pay dues online using card payment method
  • Employee can collect payment using cash, cheque, DD, Card
  • Payment can be made in either full or partial amount
  • For partial payment minimum payable amount can be customized

My connections (Citizen)
  • A connection with citizen’s login mobile number associated as one of the owner details is listed in my connections
  • My connections lists details as consumer no, name, address, due, connection status and action to PAY
  • Clicking on consumer number redirects to connection details page with service and citizen’s information

Past payments (Citizen)
  • Past payments section lists down details of all the past payments made against any connection
  • The amount paid against any bill can be either partial or full; all partial payments details are recorded separately
  • Receipt can be downloaded for each payment made

Enter meter reading
  • For metered water connection, employee can enter meter reading for individual connection.
  • Metered connections have consumption details information for each billing cycle.
  • Employee can update the meter status; depending upon the meter status s/he can add consumption information
  • Entering the consumption information triggers demand generation with configured calculation logic

User Interface


Technical Documentation

Product NameFeatureLink to Document
Water and Sewerage v1.0Pay bills : Water and Sewerage ServicesLink: Technical documentation Doc

Known Issues 

W&S v1.0 WOR-91 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Application no should be hidden or it should be displayed as NA

WOR-94 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UOM number should be replaced with No of toilets /closest value

WOR-92 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Label name for the field of rain water harvesting and WS_COMMON_SEWERAGE_BILL_HEADER

WOR-95 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Not able to create new connection for the new property details

WOR-96 - Getting issue details... STATUS

After partial payment is done due date is changing

Pending Feature - 1Auto demand generation for Non Meter is not working for both water and sewerage

Pending Feature - 2SMS and Email notification is not working

Pending Feature - 3In app Notification is not completed from dev

Pending Feature - 4In Bill Genie Merge and download option is not there for W&S

Pending Feature - 5Penalty and interest calculation logic is not done for metered and non metered connection

Planned features/enhancement for the next release

  1. W&S Version 2.0 : Apply for New connection
    1. Apply for a New Connection
      1. Water
      2. Sewerage
    2. Reports
    3. Improve EODB Compliance of products
  2. W&S Version 3.0 : Apply for Modification
    1. Modify Connections
      1. Usage change
      2. Title Transfer
      3. Re-connection/ Disconnection
      4. Additional Tap
    2. Manual Bill and Demand Generation
    3. Edit DCB/ Connection details
    4. View Billing History
  3. W&S Version 3.1 : Miscellaneous
    1. Ability to configure service specific banking account configuration
    2. Advance Payments
    3. Water quality monitoring and updates

Technical Documentation

Product NameFeatureLink to Document
Water and Sewerage v1.0Pay bills : Water and Sewerage ServicesLink: Technical documentation Doc