Sept 3 Weekly Meeting
Discussion Points
How is everyone thinking about the Q3 bill of work?
Collective planning for platform/process items for Q3 bill of work
Updates from the week
Upcoming Events/Deadlines
Discussion Notes
(1) How is everyone thinking about the Q3 bill of work? (here’s a list of items/considerations that were discussed in the Product Council for Q3 Bill of Work)
What is it mapping to on the Org level?
What are the parameters of prioritization?
How do you estimate overall work?
(2) Collective Planning for Platform/Process Items
Items that could be a platform and process (non-engineering work) change that would be fundamental for all products. Instead of working on it in a siloed fashion, let’s sort, prioritize and pick these together?
Some items listed in a day
Product and Platform performance standards
Regression test cases
Marking an intermediary user for citizens on the platform
Updating property registry from FSM, W&S
Capturing IEC Events (Platform)
SMS triggers
Campaign Management (At last mile)
Data Availability
External: Accessing Data from Implementations (Using Technology)
Internal: Define what we as PMs need (defining success criteria’s from data)
(User behavior data analytics, Usage data analytics)
Interlocked Events
Integration between Modules (GIS)
Citizen Feedback Capture
Data Privacy
Governance Processes
Co-creation governance process
Live Roadmap
Open Roadmap
Product <> Implementation Streamlining
Updates from the previous week
Pending items
What went well
What could be improved
Upcoming events/deadlines
Items | Date | Assignee |
Collective Q3 planning | Mon, Wed, Friday in the week of Sept 5th | All |
Getting on JIRA | Week of Sept 5th | All |
Early thoughts from the Product Council on how we can think about what to pick up in the Q3 Bill of Work and consequently, what items we should pick up:
Need to get this to Mission leaders as well
Having a sandbox environment is going to be crucial and should be picked up since we are looking at more participation with the ecosystem
All items related to access and ease of use should be included (phone number capture, search)
CDG - a working instance with clean data
A social UAT to bring into the process that gets a view from different types of users as a formal sign-off (internal? External? etc.)
Key items based on the stages of the different missions
Enabling data across all products and missions (data requirements need to be captured at the product requirements stage)
Urban mission goalpost - is it possible to link data for the entire city across all products.
FSM - need to make sure we’re working on the feedback from the field
iFIX - need to make sure we’re working on the feedback from the field
If we need to move to agile, maybe we need to conduct a training in agile for everyone (also being discussed in the Tech Council)