Oct 18 - 30, 2021 Weekly Meeting

Oct 18th - Monday Agenda

  1. Updates from the previous week

  2. Upcoming events/deadlines

  3. Sprint Backlog (Engineering + Product team’s)

Upcoming events/deadlines



Action Items



Action Items

UX Dependency Email Response/ @Antriksh Kumar – PMs agreed

Oct 11

Agree as a team

Telemetry metrics/ @Srividya Bhaskar , PMs

Oct 19

All PMs to update metrics

DIGIT 2.6 Release/PM

Notes from call with Sathish P



Marching to March/ Team

Oct 26-28

Jojo and team to have 1:1s

Fixing Rainmaker Jira Project/ Sathish P, Gajendran, Hena

Oct 19

Hena to get this fixed

Adding Core backlog/ PMs, Sathish P

Sprint 2

Hena to check with Sathish on how to move forward

Engineering Sprint Backlog Oct 18 - Oct 29

Rainmaker Sprint

Product/Design Sprint Backlog Oct 4 - Oct 13

type summary due assignee reporter priority labels status sprint product readiness